Use "mediate|mediated|mediates|mediating" in a sentence

1. Odd spin Bosons mediate repulsive forces; even spin Bosons mediate attractive forces

2. In addition to her teaching, Besch mediates in …

3. Apostrophal Solenoglypha uptaker baroreceptor unopenly torse Wendell chigetais self-mediating

4. Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF) mediates inflammation and modulates cellular immune responses

5. The Greeks called these mediating and guardian spirits daimones.

6. We mediate between man and nature.

7. Adaptin Any of the receptor-specific proteins (alpha, beta, mu and sigma) that mediate clathrin-coated pit formation, which is critical to clathrin-coated vesicle-mediated intracellular transport of proteins through membrane-bound receptor interaction

8. The state must mediate the struggle for water resources.

9. Japan stepped in to mediate the conflict.

10. ATG3-dependent autophagy mediates mitochondrial homeostasis in pluripotency Acquirement and maintenance Autophagy

11. CytokinesCytokines Cytokines are small secreted proteins which mediate andCytokines are small secreted proteins which mediate and regulate immunity, inflammation, and hematopoiesis.

12. The court was set up to mediate in civil disputes.

13. Best Practices for Counsel: Mediating and Arbitrating The Complex Commercial Case

14. They mediate between deeper-level considerations and concrete decisions.

15. The takings clause mediates between the police power and the eminent domain power.

16. See also: Arbitrate, between Arbitrate in To mediate between

17. No. Google isn’t able to mediate rights ownership disputes.

18. Exercise may mediate the effects of a bad diet.

19. He used technology to mediate between conflicting political goals.

20. Further, the metabolic alterations mediating the effects of Adiposity on CRC are not fully understood.

21. Humoral Immunity: Cell mediated Immunity: 1

22. adaptin Any of the receptor-specific proteins (alpha, beta, mu and sigma) that mediate clathrin-coated pit formation, which is critical to clathrin-coated vesicle-mediated intracellular transport of proteins through membrane-bound receptor interaction. Adaptins cluster to form an AP2–complex

23. The government must mediate the struggle for water resources.

24. These values will mediate the impact of mass culture.

25. Synonyms for Arbitrates include adjudges, adjudicates, decides, determines, judges, referees, settles, umpires, mediates and conciliates

26. Chemokines mediate the host response to cancer by directing the …

27. Cell mediated Immune Response: Cell mediated immune response is carried out by the T-cells or T lymphocytes (Fig

28. Iran and Turkey have each offered to mediate the crisis.

29. Ii) Redundancy: two or more Cytokines that mediate similar function

30. The former president has agreed to mediate the peace talks.

31. A conserved transcription factor mediates nuclear control of organelle biogenesis in Anciently diverged land plants Plant Cell

32. Litigants still do not seem eager to save costs by mediating their disputes.

33. In this paper we report a study concerning examples as mediating artifacts in Conjecturing

34. These findings raise the question of whether Bradykinin mediates angioedema.We measured plasma Bradykinin in patients

35. Negotiators were called in to mediate between the two sides.

36. Former President Jimmy Carter agreed to mediate the peace talks.

37. An Arousing, musically enhanced bird song stimulus mediates circadian rhythm phase advances in dim light

38. Frequent undue consumption tin harmfully mediate with the user's well-being.

39. But I do not broker any deals, I do not mediate.

40. Mediated by Autosensitized Lewis lymph node cells

41. Examples of Type IV (Cell mediated) Hypersensitivity

42. They demonstrated the IgE's critical role in mediating the release of histamine from mast cells.

43. Further, the metabolic alterations mediating the effects of Adiposity on CRC are not fully understood

44. Amphipathic alpha-helices play a crucial role in mediating the interaction of peptides and proteins with membranes

45. Walesa was reported as mediating discreetly with union leaders over disputes in various sectors throughout the month.

46. Main Difference – Humoral Immunity vs Cell mediated immunity

47. Azt triphosphate activates the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway

48. Assignment (FIA_UAU.1.1) List of TSF mediated actions:

49. Estradiol mediates the growth spurt, bone maturation, and epiphyseal closure in boys just as in girls.

50. Arbitrate between To mediate between two (or more) parties in conflict

51. Mediate circumstances of the murder were unusually "callous and Brutalv:4

52. We won't mediate in disputes about who occupies the enormous after cabin.

53. Ultimately, both appear to be mediated by androgens.

54. Disclosed is a broker mediated advertisable gaming environment.

55. suppressed antibody-mediated response to SRBC, thymic atrophy)

56. Chemokines mediate the ingress of leukocytes, including neutrophils and monocytes, into the inflamed synovium

57. As the Iranians moved toward seizing the reserves, the Truman administration attempted to mediate.

58. Now words become means to mediate a visionary experience of love and enlarge understanding.

59. SUMO also regulates abscisic acid (ABA) signalling, a plant hormone that mediates environmental stress responses, and flowering.

60. Z Bosons: Same as W Bosons(One of the two gauge Bosons involved in mediating the weak nuclear force)

61. An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management.

62. The social worker tried to mediate without success in the available time.

63. Therefore, it has many rhetoric functions: being humorous, sarcastic and euphemistic, mediating conflict and enlightening imagination.

64. He immediately made a formal protest and Agent Monteith was summoned to mediate.

65. Their frequency results from Shakespeare's imaginative involvement with the relationship that they mediate.

66. But secondary or learned similarities can mediate generalization between otherwise quite dissimilar stimuli.

67. Myasthenia gravis(MG) is an autoimmune disease which choline receptor antibody mediates, cell immunity depends on and Addiment participates

68. Boron tribromide also mediates the dealkylation of aryl alkyl ethers, for example demethylation of 3,4-dimethoxystyrene into 3,4-dihydroxystyrene.

69. Amoeboid migration is characterized by cycles of expansion and contraction of the cell body and membrane blebbing mediated by Rho/ROCK-mediated actomyosin contractility

70. Cell mediated immunity is a type of primary immune response operating in our body. Cell mediated immunity does not induce the production of antibodies

71. Popular Constitutionalism on any larger scale must take place through some set of mediating institutions.” Today, these mediating institutions would most often be Congress and the executive branch, but at other times may include local governments and political organizations.

72. Method of controlling damage mediated by alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehydes

73. On June 19 I sought the service of a certified personal trainer, Rocco Mediate.

74. Claustral Neurons Projecting to Frontal Cortex Mediate Contextual Association of Reward Curr Biol

75. Metabolism to cyanoethylene oxide may mediate the carcinogenic and toxic activity of Acrylonitrile.

76. Like midline stimulation, efferent-mediated slow excitation of vestibular Afferents was also seen during ipsilateral stimulation and was the predominant form of efferent-mediated excitation in

77. Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.

78. Longer-term, follow-up research with the same children suggests that partial mediating effects last until third and fourth grade.

79. Are we able to test claims, for example, about the way the state mediates between classes in a particular conjuncture?

80. Cell mediated immune response (CMI) is the host defense that are mediated by Antigen specific T-cells and various non-specific cells of immune system